Sunday, March 8, 2009

Little Girl Seeking Bad Boy

Josie is a character to say the least! She is always coming up with the funniest things. I love this picture because it captures the mischief in her eyes. A few weeks ago she came to me and said, "Mom, my boyfriend can't come to the party tonight." You have a boyfriend I asked? "Yep, his name is Jenx." Well how come Jenx can't make it to the party I asked?? "Because he is in jail." How come Jenx is in jail I asked," laughing. "Cuz he did't wear his beltseat and the cops got him and took him to jail." Well thats too bad I said. " Jenx is really a nice guy mom. He lives in the mountains and wears rubber pants." Well what is Jenx going to do when he gets out of jail, I questioned. "He is going to live with us and build houses!" Every few days Josie will bring up Jenx. Apparently the cops take seatbelt violations quite seriously because he is still in jail.

So I ask you......should I be worried?? My little girl seems to have a thing for the bad boys. Bad boys wearing rubber pants nonetheless. Well that's my Josie. I have a feeling that the next few years are going to be an adventure with this one. But she keeps me laughing. And a word of warning to you all. Wear your "beltseats" so the cops don't get ya!!
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  1. Oh, I would be very worried about the Bad Boys & Beltseats!

  2. That's hilarious! I would definitely be nervous. You never know about boys in rubber pants!

  3. Makayla wants to avoid the guys with eyerings because boys aren't suppose to wear them. She makes it know for sure. Josie is so cute. I'm just as worried, I've got three girls. Atleast I know one down two more to go. I also tease Makayla about the cops taking her away if she doesn't buckle her beltseats. She starts freaking out if she can't do up her seatbelt. Well what can I say GOOD LUCK with the boy in rubber pants!
